The Files

When you record a lot of material, the file storage quickly turns into a major problem. Consider that ScreenFlow, when recording from the computer screen, an iPad, and from the webcam1, produces some 20-30 GB per hour of recording. The video camera additionally produces 20-25 GB per hour of recording at 1080p, 30 fps.

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Is there life after Crashplan?

Dead Crashplan
Crashplan for home is dead

Now that Crashplan for home is gone, or at least not long for this world, a lot of people will need to find another way of backing up their stuff. It’s tempting to get angry, and there are reasons to be, but in the end you have to forget about all that and move on. Even though you may have months, or even a year, before Crashplan stops working, there is another reason you have to get something up right now, namely file histories.

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